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before watching victory gundam, i wasnt too fond of the design of the suits.. but now, after watching it.. my opinion changed.. hehe

i really started to love the design of the v and v2, especially those wings of the v2 go so hard. the HG kit of the assault buster is quite the enjoyable build, a lot of plastic, but the kit is still quite smol, even in the assault buster configuration.

also took some "professional" pics lol (just some paper and editing), but i do like how they look.

v2 assault buster 02 v2 assault buster 01


after randomly hearing the soundtrack of the first ratchet&clank game, i wanted to play the series. before i wasnt really interested, but there is a lot of cool stuff about it. silly characters, very very good musick, a lot of humour, fun gadgets and not so bad gameplay.. well mostly.

the gunplay of the unique weapon/gadget arsenal is quite fun but "physics" or rather just basic collision is quite janky, which let me not finish the game. i would say the 2/3 of the game is enjoyable, but the last third not really. difficulty went higher a lot faster than expected, but with bad level design, its more than just a skill issue. as i said, during the last boss there is quite some "parkour" or rather rail grinding required, which doesnt work sometimes. idk if its me or my game version, but randomly flying of the rail or getting stuck for no reason, just to die and restart the over 10min boss fight is not fun...

anyways.. the game overall is pretty cool and hopefully the sequels are more technically stable...

bot bug



i dont really use any social media (besides discord, if that counts) and have almost no social life, but the need to express myself is strong, instead of talking about how hard and sad my life is.. id rather talk about fun and silly things like gaming and shit. since the modern internet is dying anyway, i guess its the perfect time to invest into oldskool media.. like blogging :3

im not really talkative and rather insecure in my wording.. texts may vary from in-depth to short words.. but at the end of the day it doesnt really matter. its my own website and i can do what i want.. doesnt matter if i talk nonsense or say stupid things, imperfection is human and we need more "humanness" in the world instead of this boring and sterile modern garbage... well anyways, enough pseudo-philosophy.. this website is about (mostly) media..

so since i have started this blog rather late, i guess i could recap some of the things i have done so far. so the biggest thing is definetly that i have started to enjoy gundam alot, with the matching hobby of gunpla/plamo as well. the whole year so far i spend watching the anime. just recently i finished the main timeline (the universal century). it consists (so far) out of over 30 series and movies. may sound like a lot, but there is still more besides the main timeline. i do want to take a little "gundam-break" and watch some other, either mecha or just anime in general. starting watching gundam made me really enjoy anime in general. i do have watched a few series before gundam, but i feel like watching even more now. so the backlog in anime just got as big as my gaming backlog.

gaming. i havent played much this year so far, since the gundam obsession got me. i have gotten the interest back though to play games again. primarily "retro" games. so yeah..

i try to update frequently.

cute hamter

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